I decided I wanted to have a homebirth long before I got pregnant.
I chose this route from being inspired by many friends who had experienced homebirths and I wanted to be able to peacefully birth in my own environment and be comfortable within my own home without the hustle of the hospital. I found the most amazing midwife along with her team, and spent the 9 short months prepping as well as I could from researching various coping strategies, reading others homebirth stories, and reading various books.
I was in active labor for 30+ hours (including my own birthday) and spent a lot of that time on the dilation station as it was most comfortable for me. During transition I decided it was time to get into the birthing pool when finally my body was telling me it was time to push. I switched positions a few times before ending up in a half lunge position just in time to move this sweet boy out. I roared (to put it lightly) all through contractions and pushes and 20 minutes later my sweet boy was born. My birth team and husband took such great care of me and just a short time later I was able to be comfortable in my own bed cuddled up with my husband and newborn.